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Facebook Mobile

Expanding Subscribe and Friends Lists to mobile

make it easier for people to share their public updates with a wider audience and see more from the people they care about. Today we’re launching both Subscribe and Friends List on mobile.

If you're not friends with someone, you will now see the Subscribe button on their timeline when using Facebook on the iPhone, Android or on touch Select the Subscribe button to get their public updates right in your News Feed. If you are allowing subscribers, you can now see number of people who have subscribed to you by selecting the Subscribers tab.

To find more interesting people to subscribe to, select the Subscriptions tab when viewing someone else's timeline on your mobile device. To subscribe to someone, select the + icon next to their name and you will begin receiving their public updates in your News Feed. 
You can always access your friends lists and subscriptions from the left nav section under  Lists. 

                      The features above are currently available on the iPhone app, Android app and